Groundhog Day

Saturday we set all our posts and rafters for the lean-to on the west side.  All went well, although there was a screw up on the order for our 2x4x16′,  we received 10′ 2x’s which left us short for the east side purlins.  Amazing how a pencil can mess up your plans.  Our intent was to get everything erected and ready for metal for next weekend.  I’ll probably go ahead and put the metal on this side today depending on the winds.


The building takes on a whole different look with the shed in place.  Makes me want to tackle the east side even more.

I did get a little inside work done in the last week.  Framed the chickens new digs and made a rack for the chainsaws and siding on the outside shop wall.  I scored a deal on some canopy lights for the stall and center isle.  I plan on going ahead and installing them although the electric service has yet to be run.  I don’t want to get started on my peeves concerning electrical absence for now.  That is a whole post unto itself.


  1. Ron said,

    February 3, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    Very nice! I like the chainsaw rack, I’ve never seen that before, I might have to borrow that idea. The lean-to really does change the way the barn looks.

    With a barn that nice, I’d have to put diapers on the chickens. 🙂

  2. Ed said,

    February 3, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    Ditto on the chainsaw rack. I don’t yet own a chainsaw since I haven’t had a property with enough trees to warrant one but that will change this spring when they go on sale. Then I will probably be making a rack similar to yours for it.

    Barn looks awesome!

  3. Leigh said,

    February 5, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    It’s looking more and more like a barn. Love the chainsaw rack. I’ll have to show that to Dan

    • Woody said,

      February 5, 2013 at 6:51 PM

      Thanks. We’re having a good time getting it all together.

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